Loans to Support Your Goals

Borrowing money gives you access to the funds you need to make the progress you want. It’s about finding the right one to support your financial goals.

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Buying a home is exciting — and scary. Choose from one of our multiple loan options featuring competitive rates. Our Mortgage Loan Originators give you personalized advice and walk you through the process.

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Let’s make sure you know what you need to know.

Tips for a First Time Home Buyer

The hallmark moments in our lives — the ones that truly change our trajectory – are celebrated down every greeting card aisle in America. Beyond “Happy Birthday,” “Bon Voyage,” “It’s…

Getting Your Home Ready to Sell

If you are getting ready to sell your home, you have most likely already given it a great deal of thought. While you may think you know the basics, such…

The Pros and Cons of an HOA

A homeowners association (HOA) provides you with the chance of living in an orderly and well-run neighborhood that’s managed by an organization that sets the rules and regulations under which…

Proceeds from Sale of a Home

One of the most important questions consumers will ask themselves is “how much money the sale of their home will yield?” That’s largely dependent on two things: the amount you…

Cash-Out Refinancing or a Home Equity Loan?

What’s the top benefit of owning a home? Many would point to the equity you gain as you steadily pay down your mortgage. For instance, if you owe $100,000 on…

How to log in for the first time

a video to watch on how to log in and golden doodles.

Fixed Rate vs Adjustable Rate Mortgages

You are ready to apply for a mortgage. Your question? Should you take out a fixed-rate loan or an adjustable rate? As with most mortgage questions, there is no one…