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Determine Your Working Capital Requirements

Working capital is the amount you have remaining when current liabilities are subtracted from current assets. Whether a business has enough working capital is measured by the ‘current ratio’, or…

Keeping Your Business & Personal Finances Separate

Every accountant will tell you the same thing: always keep your business and personal expenses separate. Also, each small business owner or one-person operation will nod her head and agree…

Partnership Pros and Cons

Are you thinking about forming a business partnership? Starting a business with a partner affords many benefits. In a perfect world, that means sharing the expenses, ideas, workload, responsibilities, and…

Business Lines of Credit

Cash flow is an ongoing concern of most every business owner, whether they are just in the startup phase or have been in business for years. A business line of…

Managing Vendor Relationships

You need your suppliers. They need you as well. It is a win-win relationship between you and your vendors. However, it takes effort; it does not just happen. Managing your…

Calculate Your Direct Mail ROI

Direct marketing has been a staple of many companies marketing mix for decades and many successful companies have been built with direct marketing as the backbone of their marketing initiatives.…

6 Ways to Avoid Business Email Fraud

Companies of all sizes are being targeted by criminals through business email compromise scams. In these scams, cybercriminals gain access to an employee’s legitimate business email through social engineering or…