Empowering Your Business

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Creating an Online Presence

As a new startup or an existing brick and mortar business, building an online presence for yourself is important, yet it can also be very time-consuming. It can be frustrating…

Becoming the Boss

Owning your business means the freedom to set your hours, make your rules, and live your dream. It also means the chaos of setting up a company, meeting deadlines, dealing…

Required Employee Benefits

As an employer and small business owner, you undoubtedly understand the importance offering your employees benefits. For many employees, salary is not the only factor in their decision to accept…

5 Ways to Protect Against Fraud

Corporate account takeover is a type of fraud where thieves gain access to a business’ finances to make unauthorized transactions, including transferring funds from the company, creating and adding new…

Working With Outside Investors

Depending where they are in their startup phase, new businesses often get several types of investment funding. Though some entrepreneurs can bootstrap, that is fund themselves from savings and continue…

Maintaining a Work/Life Balance

Maintaining a balance between your work life and personal life was a lot easier in earlier times it seems. Today, however, maintaining this balance is not as simple, since work…

Organization Structures

How you legally structure your business affects your tax status and your liability. It has a significant impact on how investors, banks, and credit unions perceive your worth. So taking…