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Money Advice Around the Clock

Find what you need to know, whenever you need to know it.

How Many Credit Cards Should You Have?

Figuring out how many credit cards belong in your purse or wallet can give you a headache. But, as new offers keep popping up, it can be tempting to take…

Disputing a Credit Card Transaction

There’s a $400 charge on your credit card for a hotel at which you’ve never stayed. Alternatively, maybe there’s a smaller mistake, the $18 charge for an online newspaper subscription…

Peer-to-Peer Payment Tools

When it comes to settling a bill for services rendered, paying a babysitter, splitting a lunch bill with someone or sending money to the other side of the U.S., you…

Digital (or Virtual) Credit Cards

Data breaches occur all the time these days. They hardly make the news headlines anymore. One of the outcomes of these widespread breaches is that some credit card companies have…

The Pros and Cons of Retail Credit

How many times has the cashier across from you asked you this question: “Would you like to apply for our store credit card?” When you hesitate, they follow up with:…

Avoid These Car Leasing Mistakes

Leasing a car is a great way to continue driving a new vehicle with the latest comfort, safety, and connectivity features. However, you have to be smart when you are…

The Wonders of Compounded Interest

There are plenty of rewards that come with the patient investing of your money. The best, though, might be compound interest. You might have heard that term previously. You might…